If you have a refund coming you may consider putting your tax return into LMCU’s 3% Max Checking - the nation’s number one checking account**. You could earn up to $450 over the next year in interest.
If you plan to use your tax return right away towards buying a new car or remodel your home, contact us! We can help you set up a low rate loan to cover the extra cost.
Do you already love earning interest on your 3% Max Checking? Refer your family and friends!
This year, get your biggest possible tax refund – without leaving your living room. TurboTax, the #1 best-selling tax software, is up to date on the latest tax laws and guarantees 100% accurate calculations, so you can be confident your taxes are done right and get your biggest possible refund. And, as a credit union member you can save up to $20 on TurboTax this tax season.
To access the member discount, visit LMCU.org/MemberPerks
**Money Magazine, October 2018.