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Protect your RV and enjoy safe travels

Posted May 1, 2019  |   Topics: Insurance

Lake Michigan Insurance Agency (LMIA) can help with all RV insurance coverage this upcoming season.

Contents coverage: Contents insurance or personal property insurance can help you replace the items in your RV that you own if you have a theft, fire, or any other type of insured claim or loss. Typical policies offer a standard limit of $1,000 to $2,000 with the option to purchase more.

You and your investment representative: a relationship of trust

Posted May 1, 2019  |   Topics: Retirement Planning, Investing

Perhaps your doctor, lawyer, and accountant are trusted advisors. Through years of working with them, they have come to know your family and your particular needs. How about your investment representative? Have you built the same kind of trusting relationship with him or her? Your investment representative could be a resource to tap for financial planning information through the many stages of your life.

5 tips to finance your custom-built home

Posted May 1, 2019  |   Topics: Home Financing & Renovation

We all want the perfect home that reflects our tastes, sensibilities, and unique styles. But sometimes, it doesn’t exist. At least not yet. If you’re thinking about building, follow these five tips to make the construction financing process…well, less of a process.

Mobile Authenticator offers increased online banking security

Posted May 1, 2019  |   Topics: Online Banking

Mobile authenticator is an added level of protection when logging on to online banking from your PC. The mobile authenticator generates a one-time, time-sensitive, six-digit code directly on your smart phone. When prompted, you’ll enter this code into LMCU’s online banking login. To learn more visit

Save the date and start training for LMCU's 2019 Bridge Run

Posted April 1, 2019  |   Topics: Community

Sunday, September 15

Appointment scheduling is now available

Posted April 1, 2019  |   Topics: Online Banking

Skip the line and schedule an appointment with us in advance. Whether you’re opening a new account, applying for a loan, or servicing an existing account, just go to and click Schedule an Appointment.

Investing for your later years? Think asset preservation but don’t forget growth

Posted April 1, 2019  |   Topics: Retirement Planning, Investing

After years of investing for retirement and other goals, you may have accumulated a substantial portfolio. If you’re approaching or already enjoying retirement, there are important steps that you can take to help ensure that your investment plan -- and your nest egg -- is on track for your Golden Years.

Spring cleaning is nice, but Spring renovating is “Niiiiiiice!”

Posted April 1, 2019  |   Topics: Home Financing & Renovation

You’ve had plenty of time to sit and stare at the interior of your house over the past few months. But you haven’t let the lack of sunshine stop you from daydreaming about a new backsplash, wood floor, or a bathroom vanity. And now that you’re done hibernating, LMCU’s MaxEquitySMcan help turn your winter cave into your spring castle.

Your home’s post-winter checklist

Posted April 1, 2019  |   Topics: Home Financing & Renovation

The sun is shining. The birds are singing. And winter is long gone…sort of. Winter weather can cause significant damage to your home that lingers long after the snow has melted. Here’s a helpful list of where to look and what to check for from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

At Tax Season, We All Hope for a Refund

Posted March 1, 2019  |   Topics: Savings Tips

If you have a refund coming you may consider putting your tax return into LMCU’s 3% Max Checking - the nation’s number one checking account**. You could earn up to $450 over the next year in interest.

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